Monday, November 19, 2012

Setting Intentions, A Daily Practice

Setting my intention at the beginning of each day is a practice I have fully embraced over the past few years. I have noticed that my day unfolds as I desire. The setting of intention actually, sets my mind in a receptive and releasing state. In other words it keeps my mind in ‘right’ thinking. It allows me to relax and let a higher consciousness guide my actions and the outcomes of my day.
As the consistency improves, a better understanding of the process grows and life unfolds as you desire. Books by Ester and Jerry Hicks, guidance by my spiritual mentor Rev. Deena Jones of Atlanta, GA and the article on Intention vs Intent by Rev. Deborah Johnson of Inner Light Ministries in Santa Cruz, CA  have assisted me in gaining more insight for my growth.
I have been surprised at times that the outcome of encounters in certain situations have been amiable. In the days I didn't consistently or clearly set intentions, those same situations would have ended in anger or blame and the whole conversation would have been strained. 
In Ester and Jerry Hicks books on abundance, it is suggested that you consciously set intentions throughout the day for specific situations to give strength to the desired unfoldment. That is something I am working into my day, though I must admit I forget sometimes. This is another aspect of my practice I want to include.
Many years ago Rev. Deena suggested that the correct thinking is to set your intentions and thank God for the great day you "had."  Then get out of bed, knowing that they (intentions) have already happened and all you have to do is peacefully and happily walk through your day.
Rev. Deborah  in the piece she wrote suggests that there is an important distinction between intent and intention. She states, “Intention carries more of a sense of action…. .” Her description of the difference between intent and intention opens up yet a another level of awareness on the practice of intention. An intention is not only something I should set each day, but use the process for setting goals and reaching my dreams. The piece also states that setting intentions is not just a process for the unfoldment of your day, but an even greater spiritual unfoldment of your life and that guided action is the key to the distinction.
My intention is to include the new knowledge acquired into my “intention setting” practices and watch my life unfold in new and wonderful ways.

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