Saturday, October 5, 2013

Visioning for Life - A Perfect Idea

There is something within each of us that knows. This Divine Intelligence has an idea, a pattern designed just for your life. It is as specific as the individualized expression that you are.  It enfolds in Love.  This unique pattern or life path is in your consciousness. Think about seeing and feeling this wonderful revelation of life and actually living it day by day. This is not something you have to wait until you reach a certain age, experience hurt or pain, or go into the light.  This life of good is at hand right here, right now.

Let’s understand visioning, but first it may be beneficial to understand what it is not. So many of us engage in visualizations and find them to be quite enlightening to what our thoughts are and our dream state. However, visioning is not the same as visualization. Visualizations are images that are set up for you to contemplate and use to direct certain action. The images are created by you or the person conducting the visualization, often referred to as “Guided Visualization.”  Visualizations are used in spiritual practices as well as many industries to develop products and services.  In visualization you use your imagination.  The key word here is “your imagination.”  According to Wikipedia, “Creative visualization is the technique of using one's imagination to visualize specific behaviors or events occurring in one's life."

It is not a “vision statement.” Again a vision statement and other processes set up by business concerns to direct strategies and development are actually using imagination to direct and for the interest of this article is not the same thing.

The Visioning Process (for life) is defined by Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith, by declaring, “Visioning is a process by which we train ourselves to be able to hear feel, see, and catch God’s plan for our life or for any particular project we’re working on…  .” He goes on to say “it is based on the idea that we’re not here to tell God what to do or to ask God for things but to absolutely be available for what God is already doing, to open ourselves up to catch what’s already happening.“ The visioning process is placing yourself in a receptive posture allowing the vision to come through your consciousness and seeing, feeling, hearing, smelling, the life meant for you to live.

It is a process that is ongoing and with this practice you get better and better at it. By asking a series of questions as you place yourself in a quiet, receptive, loving space you will begin to “capture” the vision. Begin to see the plan that has been laid out for your best life now.

What are the benefits of visioning:  You gain a deeper spiritual wisdom within. You live in the flow of life and not fight against the tide. You can live your authentic self. The business or project you vision will be in alignment with your life journey and purpose leading to real success and continued development in ways you didn’t imagine.

Remember, there is something inside of you that knows and is seeking to emerge. The Life Visioning process as developed by Rev. Dr. Beckwith can be done successfully individually or in groups. It is done in person , via phone or web.  I have known church groups, businesses, friends and families to engage in this process for success and happiness.

Catch your vision here - Contact me for the next group

Saturday, April 13, 2013

The Vision-Mastermind Process

‘Visioning for Your Life’ was created by Rev. Michael B. Beckwith. This process as I understand it at this time begins with the premise that we are from and of Spirit. Whatever you may call this One Spirit that is in and through all; we are formed from the same “stuff.” This Giving Spirit thought of an Idea with Love for Good and Health and Well Being. This Idea, which is you and me, has a gift to give the world and when we give this gift - our talent, passion, and/or calling, - we live the life intended. As we grow up we forget this passion because of the thinking and influence of other people, who shall remain unnamed at this point.

Spirit’s Vision for our life is within, it didn’t go anywhere, just got buried.  The visioning process assists us in seeing, remembering and reconnecting with our ideal life purpose. It happens by being silent, opening up, releasing, and letting the resistance go.  By placing yourself in an environment of love, over time you begin to “capture” the vision. It comes in snippets of words, sounds, smells, phrases, colors, in all creative manner until it is seen in a way you understand. 

Masterminding is a process of moving to the life you envision. In general a mastermind group is when people meet who have the same specific interest. From CEOs interested in improving their company to new moms looking for resources, support in the new role. Each person shares and requests specific things they may need to grow and know in the area.  The other members of the group are dedicated to the success of all members.  They offer insight, information, resources, and more. There is accountability as the members gain focus, clarity and support to be and do the best they can in the area of interest.

I have combined these two processes as it seems like a beautiful marriage between the two. Capture the vision and “work it” through the mastermind process. Don’t do it alone!

The groups meet either in person, by phone conference or web conferencing. Modern technology is a wonderful “thang. “

Contact me for details and web links for our next meeting.

This is a program of take One Night Off A Week, aka tONOAW.


Monday, February 18, 2013

No More Resolutions - Only Intentions

Are you one of the millions of people who make well-intentioned resolutions each year and struggle with keeping them? Resolutions are notorious for failing. Why? Do you make resolutions as a habit or as a passing fancy or are you really serious? These are questions to ask yourself. Do you make them year after year without much "long-lasting" success, but determined, "to make them work this year?" Don't blame yourself. That doesn't help.

Consider making a shift in your thinking and approach which can bring you the desired success. You may benefit from setting an "intention" for the year. What do you want your life to look like? Who and what do you want in your life that will move you toward your dream? It's not about weight or smoking there is a bigger picture.

Setting intentions is not just a process for the unfolding of a specific desire, but an even greater spiritual unfolding of your life. Intentions require guided action and that is the key to the distinction. They encourage a full mindful participation in your life.

For example, instead of wishing to lose weight or quit smoking, which are common, but not the only wishes, set an intention to show yourself more love, to improve your health, to have fun with everything you do and of course take one night off a week.

The setting of intention actually sets your mind in a receptive and releasing condition. In other words, it keeps your mind in 'right' thinking.

To increase your chances for success make a plan:

1. Deicide on what you want and imagine what looks and feels like,

2. While imagining add some colors, sounds, and smells to the vision,

3. Determine the steps you need to take for each intention,

4. Solicit support from friends or colleagues, but be very specific about how they can help,

5. Don't talk to just anyone about them, be mindful with whom you share your intentions, and

6. Finally, add a big dose of joy, expectation and know that you will be successful.

Yes, this is more than a resolution, you shift your thinking, your actions and improve your life because you deserve your best life now and you can create it.

Relax and watch your life unfold in wonderful ways. Your decision making process becomes easier. You will know how to choose the best options based on your stated intentions. You feel better about yourself and that leads to more improvement, enhancement and expansion of your life.


Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Five PowerFull Women (5PW)

When "Five PowerFull Women" (5PW) get together you're in for wonderful sharing of experiences, insights and just a good time.

Just think of having access, through videos, to women from all over the world who are just like you. Women who have "been through it" and came out on the other side victorious and even better.

Sometimes when we are experiencing one of life's wonderful lessons we think we are the only ones dealing with it and feel alone, or we don't have any personal experience with the situation and not sure what to do?

5PW get together and discuss many relevant issue that have a real impact on our lives. The group discuss just one pertinent question at a time for about 45 minutes.  Women from all over the world will view the video and there will be something said that will motivate, inspire, move you forward in your life.

I know you know 4 other women like yourself.  That makes five. I know they are self reflective, mature, insightful, fun, socially oriented, spiritual, successful, loving, and willing to share their life experiences in order to support, challenge and encourage other women. That makes them powerful. 

You can host a 5PW in your home or office space.

Here are PowerFULL women in Nassau.

Visit our website: